Current time in the most popular cities South America
In South America now Thursday, 13 March 2025, week 11
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Sao Paulo
- 16:45 4:45 pm 13 Thu Bogota
- 16:45 4:45 pm 13 Thu Lima
- 16:45 4:45 pm 13 Thu Quito
- 17:45 5:45 pm 13 Thu Caracas
- 17:45 5:45 pm 13 Thu La Paz
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Santiago
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Salto
- 16:45 4:45 pm 13 Thu Arauquita
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Montevideo
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Buenos Aires
- 17:45 5:45 pm 13 Thu Humaita
- 16:45 4:45 pm 13 Thu Medellin
- 17:45 5:45 pm 13 Thu Yacuiba
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Santos
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu San Rafael
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Puerto Aisen
- 18:45 6:45 pm 13 Thu Recife
Current time on the continent South America
The WorldInfoTravel website provides information about the exact time in 14 countries on the continent South America
Select the country you are interested in to find out the exact time in this country and city, sunrise and sunset times, as well as basic information about the country
# | City | Number of cities | Time in the capital | Timezone | Standard/DST times |
1 | Argentina | 88 | 18:45 (Buenos Aires) | UTC-03:00 (cmt) | - |
2 | Bolivia | 33 | 17:45 (Sucre) | UTC-04:00 (cmt) | - |
3 | Brazil | 279 | 09:45 (Wallis Island) | UTC+12:00 (unknown) | - |
4 | Chile | 36 | 18:45 (Santiago) | UTC-03:00 (smt) |
Sunday, 04 Apr. 2021, Sunday, 05 Sep. 2021 |
5 | Colombia | 150 | 16:45 (Bogota) | UTC-05:00 (bmt) | - |
6 | Ecuador | 19 | 16:45 (Quito) | UTC-05:00 (qmt) | - |
7 | Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | 1 | 18:45 (Port Stanley) | UTC-03:00 (smt) | - |
8 | French Guiana | 5 | 18:45 (Cayenne) | UTC-03:00 (unknown) | - |
9 | Guyana | 7 | 17:45 (Georgetown) | UTC-04:00 (unknown) | - |
10 | Paraguay | 8 | 18:45 (Asunción) | UTC-03:00 (amt) |
Sunday, 28 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 03 Oct. 2021 |
11 | Peru | 36 | 16:45 (Lima) | UTC-05:00 (unknown) | - |
12 | Suriname | 6 | 18:45 (Paramaribo) | UTC-03:00 (pmt) | - |
13 | Uruguay | 12 | 18:45 (Montevideo) | UTC-03:00 (mmt) | - |
14 | Venezuela | 41 | 17:45 (Caracas) | UTC-04:00 (cmt) | - |
The continent of South America
South America is one of the six continents of the planet Earth which is located in the southern part of the globe. The area of South America accounts for 17,840,000 sq km.
- The population of South America is approximately 418,489,196 people or about 5.7% of the total Earth’s population. The density of the population in South America is quite low – about 21.5 persons per square kilometre;
- South America has 4 main time zones: from UTC-2 to UTC-5;
- The total area of the continent is 17,840,000 sq km;
- South America consists of 14 countries and USA dependent territories with such famous countries as Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Paraguay, Chile and others;
- In addition to South America, there are also 6 continents in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia.
South America is the wettest continent on the Earth and it has 5 climatic zones: subequatorial zone, equatorial zone, tropical zone, subtropical zone and temperate zone.
The continent has a moderate range of temperatures and climate changes. In the northern part of South America, the average temperature oscillates between 20°С and 28°С all year round. In January (in summer) the temperature drops to 10 °С.