Current time in the most popular cities Antarctica
In Antarctica now Wednesday, 05 March 2025, week 10
Current time on the continent Antarctica
The WorldInfoTravel website provides information about the exact time in 4 countries on the continent Antarctica
Select the country you are interested in to find out the exact time in this country and city, sunrise and sunset times, as well as basic information about the country
# | City | Number of cities | Time in the capital | Timezone | Standard/DST times |
1 | Antarctica | 1 | 21:06 (McMurdo Station) | UTC+13:00 (nzmt) |
Saturday, 03 Apr. 2021, Saturday, 25 Sep. 2021 |
The continent of Antarctica
Antarctica is the fifth-largest continent after Eurasia (54,760,000 sq km), Africa (30,370,000 sq km), North America (24,710,000 sq km) and South America (17,840,000 sq km).
- Temporary population of Antarctica constitute approximately from 1,000 to 4,000 scientists depending on the season. There is no resident population on the continent.;
- The continent’s area accounts for 14,107,000 sq km;
- There are 12 polar research stations in Antarctica with such names as Palmer, Rothera, Troll, Syowa, Mawson, Vostok, Davis, Casey, Dumont d’Urville, Macquarie Island, McMurdo and Amundsen–Scott.
- In addition to Antarctica, there are also 6 continents in the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, South America.
Antarctica is known to be the coldest continent in the world, the larger part of which is covered with snow and ice. It is important to mention that the continent is located in all time zones.
Antarctica consists of 12 time zones:
- UTC+00:00,
- UTC+03:00,
- UTC+05:00,
- UTC+06:00,
- UTC+07:00,
- UTC+08:00,
- UTC+10:00,
- UTC+12:00,
- UTC+13:00,
- UTC -06:00,
- UTC -04:00,
- UTC -03:00.
As for the temperature Antarctica, the weather is quite cold on the continent. In winter the average temperature oscillates between -60 °C and -75 °C, sometimes reaching -80 °C. In summer in the interior and at the South Pole the temperatures range from -30 °C to -50 °C. On the Antarctic Peninsula, the nearest point on the continent to Argentina, the temperature is between 0 and -7 °С.