Current time in the most popular cities North America
In North America now Saturday, 01 February 2025, week 05
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat New York
- 04:24 4:24 am 01 Sat Guatemala
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Cancún
- 04:24 4:24 am 01 Sat Arkansas
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Toronto
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Tulum
- 02:24 2:24 am 01 Sat Vancouver
- 06:24 6:24 am 01 Sat Saint Thomas Island
- 04:24 4:24 am 01 Sat Belize
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Benton Harbor
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Erie
- 04:24 4:24 am 01 Sat Regina
- 04:24 4:24 am 01 Sat Kenosha
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Roanoke
- 02:24 2:24 am 01 Sat Columbia
- 04:24 4:24 am 01 Sat Carroll
- 06:24 6:24 am 01 Sat Punta Cana
- 05:24 5:24 am 01 Sat Fort Bragg
Current time on the continent North America
The WorldInfoTravel website provides information about the exact time in 42 countries on the continent North America
Select the country you are interested in to find out the exact time in this country and city, sunrise and sunset times, as well as basic information about the country
# | City | Number of cities | Time in the capital | Timezone | Standard/DST times |
1 | Antigua and Barbuda | 1 | 06:24 (Barbuda) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
2 | Bahamas | 16 | 05:24 (George Town) | UTC-05:00 (est) |
Sunday, 14 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 07 Nov. 2021 |
3 | Barbados | 1 | 06:24 (Bridgetown) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
4 | Belize | 9 | 04:24 (Belmopan) | UTC-06:00 (cst) | - |
5 | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | 2 | 06:24 (Bonaire) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
6 | Canada | 192 | 05:24 (Ottawa) | UTC-05:00 (est) |
Sunday, 14 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 07 Nov. 2021 |
7 | Costa Rica | 22 | 04:24 (San Jose) | UTC-06:00 (cst) | - |
8 | Cuba | 20 | 05:24 (Havana) | UTC-05:00 (cst) |
Sunday, 14 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 07 Nov. 2021 |
9 | Dominican Republic | 9 | 06:24 (Santo Domingo) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
10 | El Salvador | 1 | 04:24 (San Salvador) | UTC-06:00 (cst) | - |
11 | Greenland | 34 | 07:24 (Nuuk) | UTC-03:00 (unknown) |
Sunday, 28 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 31 Oct. 2021 |
12 | Grenada | 1 | 06:24 (St. George’s) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
13 | Guadeloupe | 6 | 06:24 (Basse-Terre) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
14 | Guatemala | 13 | 04:24 (Guatemala) | UTC-06:00 (cst) | - |
15 | Haiti | 5 | 05:24 (Port-au-Prince) | UTC-05:00 (est) |
Sunday, 14 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 07 Nov. 2021 |
16 | Honduras | 32 | 04:24 (Tegucigalpa) | UTC-06:00 (cst) | - |
17 | Jamaica | 6 | 05:24 (Kingston) | UTC-05:00 (est) | - |
18 | Martinique | 1 | 06:24 (Fort-de-France) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
19 | Mexico | 89 | 04:24 (Mexico) | UTC-06:00 (cst) |
Sunday, 04 Apr. 2021, Sunday, 31 Oct. 2021 |
20 | Nicaragua | 9 | 04:24 (Managua) | UTC-06:00 (cst) | - |
21 | Panama | 36 | 05:24 (Nargana) | UTC-05:00 (cmt) | - |
22 | Puerto Rico | 10 | 06:24 (San Juan) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
23 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 2 | 07:24 (Saint-Pierre) | UTC-03:00 (ast) |
Sunday, 14 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 07 Nov. 2021 |
24 | Trinidad and Tobago | 2 | 06:24 (Port of Spain) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
25 | United States | 1669 | 05:24 (Washington) | UTC-05:00 (est) |
Sunday, 14 Mar. 2021, Sunday, 07 Nov. 2021 |
26 | Virgin Islands, British | 1 | 06:24 (Tortola) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
27 | Virgin Islands, U.S. | 3 | 06:24 (Tortola) | UTC-04:00 (ast) | - |
The continent of North America
North America is one of the six continents of the planet Earth which is located in the northern part of the globe. The area of North America exclusive of islands accounts for 20,360,000 sq km, and с 24,365,000 sq km including islands
- The population of North America is approximately 579 million people or about 7% of the total Earth’s population. The continent has quite a low density of population – about 22.9 persons per square kilometre;
- North America uses 11 main time zones: UTC-12, UTC-11 (SST), UTC-10 (HAST), UTC-9 (AKST), UTC-8 (PST), UTC-7 (MST), UTC-6 (CST), UTC-5 (EST), UTC-4 (AST), UTC+10 (ChST), UTC+12 (WAKT);
- The total area of the continent accounts for 24,365,000 sq km;
- It consists of 49 countries and USA dependent territories with such well-known countries as Bahamas, Canada, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, USA, Jamaica and others;
- In addition to North America, there are also 6 continents in the world: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, Australia, South America.
There is a cold winter (temperatures reach -10°C) and relatively warm summer (to +30°C) on the continent. It snows in winter and rains in summer, but cloudy weather quickly changes to a warm and sunny day.
The continent is located in all climatic zones except the equatorial belt, that forms great contrasts in climate. The proximity of the ocean also has a major impact on the climate.