Different in time between city Palm Island and city Santos

Palm Island is 13 hours behind of Santos. Different in time between Palm Island(Australia) and Santos(Brazil) is -13 hours

We calculated the time difference between the city Palm Island, Australia which is located in the time zone "Australia/Brisbane — UTC+10:00 (36000)" and city Santos, Brazil which is located in the time zone "America/Sao_Paulo — UTC-03:00 (-10800)"

Additional information about city Palm Island and Santos

Palm Island

Country: Australia

Country overview: Australia

Country discussion: Australia

Coordinates of the city Palm Island: latitude -18.7489°, longitude 146.6038°

Cities in the same time zone as Palm Island: Clear Mountain, Archerfield, Greenslopes, Pullenvale, Thursday Island

More about the city Palm Island

  1. City Palm Island — Overview
  2. Exact time in the city Palm Island, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
  3. Discuss the city Palm Island

You might be interested in

  1. City map Palm Island
  2. Country map Australia

Country: Brazil

Country overview: Brazil

Country discussion: Brazil

Coordinates of the city Santos: latitude -23.9608°, longitude -46.3336°

Cities in the same time zone as Santos: Carmo, Arealva, Sacramento, Cachoeiro De Itapemirim, Casa Branca

More about the city Santos

  1. City Santos — Overview
  2. Exact time in the city Santos, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
  3. Discuss the city Santos

You might be interested in

  1. City map Santos
  2. Country map Brazil

Comparisons of time differences between other cities and countries

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Time difference between other countries: Difference in time Solomon Islands and Saudi Arabia, Difference in time Australia and Bahamas, Difference in time Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago
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