Current time in United States National flag of United States

In United States (in the capital of the city Washington) now Saturday, 21 December 2024, week 51

Clock online — United States


Exact time now in the country United States National flag of United States

09:36 :41
09:36 :41
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United States time

Now Eastern Standard Time (North America) (EST), offset UTC -05:00,
Eastern Daylight Time (North America) (EDT) standard time zone, UTC-04:00 will start from Sunday 10 March 2024, 03:00
Time on your computer: Loading.... The exact time of WorldInfoTravel is Loading.... The offset is ± Loading... ms.

Washington — capital of the country United States

Sunrise and sunset

Sunrise and sunset, today, 21 December 2024
Sunrise time: 07:32
Sunset time: 17:26
Moonrise time: 00:53
Moonset time: 12:59

Summer and winter time

When the clock transition in 2024 in Washington, United States
Winter time starts at
Sunday 05 November 2023, 01:00
The clock must be moved forward one hour to become 03:00
Winter time ends
Sunday 10 March 2024, 03:00
The clock must be set back an hour to become 01:00

Map United States

United States located on the continent North America. There are in United States 1669 city. Washington — the capital of country United States.

Country area 9629091
Population 310232863
Domain .us

What time is it in popular cities United States

# City Time Timezone
1 Aberdeen 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
2 Aberdeen 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
3 Abilene 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
4 Abingdon 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
5 Ada 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
6 Adrian 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
7 Afton 22:21 10:21 pm UTC-07:00 (MDT)
8 Aiken 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
9 Ainsworth 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
10 Akhiok 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
11 Akiachak 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
12 Akiak 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
13 Akron 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
14 Akron 22:21 10:21 pm UTC-07:00 (MDT)
15 Alakanuk 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
16 Alameda 21:21 9:21 pm UTC-08:00 (PDT)
17 Alamogordo 22:21 10:21 pm UTC-07:00 (MDT)
18 Alamosa 22:21 10:21 pm UTC-07:00 (MDT)
19 Albany 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
20 Albany 21:21 9:21 pm UTC-08:00 (PDT)
21 Albert Lea 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
22 Aleknagik 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
23 Aleneva 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
24 Alexander 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
25 Alexandria 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
26 Alexandria Bay 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
27 Algona 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
28 Alice 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
29 Aliceville 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
30 Allakaket 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
31 Allakaket 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
32 Allentown 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
33 Alliance 22:21 10:21 pm UTC-07:00 (MDT)
34 Alma 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
35 Alpena 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
36 Alpine 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
37 Alta 22:21 10:21 pm UTC-07:00 (MDT)
38 Alton 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
39 Altoona 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
40 Altus 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
41 Amarillo 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
42 Ambler 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
43 Amery 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
44 Ames 23:21 11:21 pm UTC-06:00 (CDT)
45 Amityville 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
46 Anacortes 21:21 9:21 pm UTC-08:00 (PDT)
47 Anaheim 21:21 9:21 pm UTC-08:00 (PDT)
48 Anaktuvuk Pass 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
49 Anchorage 20:21 8:21 pm UTC-09:00 (AKDT)
50 Anderson 00:21 12:21 am UTC-05:00 (EDT)
More cities
Current local time in United States

United States of America

The United States is a federal state located in North America. It consists of 50 states, the federal District of Columbia (where Washington, D.C. is the capital), and several other overseas territories, such as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

The U.S. is the largest economy in the world, with a high standard of living and a high rate of development. It is also one of the most multicultural countries in the world, where people from different cultures and nationalities live together.

Historically, the United States was a British colony until it gained independence in 1776. Since then the country has gone through many changes, both politically, socially, and economically. In the nineteenth century the U.S. became the leading manufacturing power, and in the twentieth century it became the leading superpower.

The U.S. is a multinational country of more than 328 million people. It is also a multilingual country where English is the official language, but many other languages are also used.

Geographically, the U.S. has a diverse landscape, from mountain ranges to plains to deserts. Among the main attractions of the United States are Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Yosemite National Park, Miami Beach and New York City.

The U.S. has an important place in world politics, economy and culture. It is a country that continues to attract tourists from around the world and that continues to shape the future of world history.

America time

Ultimate time in the United States depends on the geographic location and time zone of the location. The United States includes 50 states, each with its own time zone. Here’s an overview of U.S. time zones:

  1. Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST): includes the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and parts of Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. EST is 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
  2. Central Standard Time Zone (CST): Includes Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and parts of Florida, Minnesota, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Dakota Northern and Dakota Southern. CST is 6 hours behind UTC.
  3. Mountain Standard Time Zone (MST): Includes the states of Arizona, Colorado, Idago, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Wyoming, and parts of California, Oregon and Utah. MST is 7 hours behind UTC.
  4. Pacific Standard Time Zone (PST): Includes the states of Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, and parts of Idaho. PST is 8 hours behind UTC.
  5. Alaska Standard Time Zone (AKST): includes the state of Alaska. AKST is 9 hours behind UTC.
  6. Hawaii Standard Time Zone (HST): Includes the state of Hawaii and some other islands. HST is 10 hours behind UTC.

Except for Hawaii and Alaska, the United States uses Daylight Saving Time, when the time is shifted by 1 hour.

The final time in the U.S. depends on the state or region you are in, since the country uses several time zones.

Here is a chart that shows the exact time in different time zones in the United States:

Time zone City/Region Current time
EST (Eastern Standard) New York, Washington DC, Miami 1:30 PM
CST (Central Standard) Chicago, Dallas, Houston 12:30 PM
MST (Mountain Standard) Denver, Phoenix 11:30 AM
PST (Pacific Standard) Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle 10:30 AM
AKST (Alaska Standard) Anchorage 9:30 AM
HST (Hawaiian Standard) Honolulu 8:30 AM

Please note that the time in the USA may change depending on the time of year and the switch to daylight saving time. It may also be subject to legislative changes in individual states. If you need to find out more precise information about the current time in a specific location in the USA, it is best to check it online on a time zone website or use a mobile app.