Current time in Province of Palermo city, Italy
The current time now in Province of Palermo is 11:44, Tuesday, 21 January 2025, week 04
Clock online — Province of Palermo, Italy
The exact time is now in your city Province of Palermo, Italy
Now Central European Time (CET), offset UTC Europe/Rome +01:00,
Central European Summer Time (Cf. HAEC) (CEST) standard time zone, UTC+02:00 will start from Sunday 27 March 2022, 03:00
Time on your computer: Loading.... The exact time of WorldInfoTravel: is Loading.... The offset is ± Loading... ms.
The sun comes up
Summer and winter time
Information about the city Province of Palermo, Italy
City Province of Palermo, the capital of country Italy
Province of Palermo is one of the city in Italy. Province of Palermo is located on the continent of Europe.
Continent | Europe |
Country | Italy |
Capital | Roma |
Latitude | 37.82 |
Longitude | 13.58 |
Population | 1,243,585 |
Curency | EUR |
Domain | .it |
The population of Province of Palermo is 1 243 585 people, which is ~ 2.06% of the total population of Italy.
Current time in popular cities of the country Italy
- Florence11:4411:44 am
- Milan11:4411:44 am
- Venice11:4411:44 am
- Naples11:4411:44 am
- Reggio Calabria11:4411:44 am
- Genoa11:4411:44 am
- Roma11:4411:44 am
- Bari11:4411:44 am
- Turin11:4411:44 am
- Pisa11:4411:44 am
- Vicenza11:4411:44 am
- Capri11:4411:44 am
- Perugia11:4411:44 am
- Bologna11:4411:44 am
- Brindisi11:4411:44 am
- San Romano Chiesa11:4411:44 am
- Ravenna11:4411:44 am
- Verona11:4411:44 am
Current time in different cities of the country Italy
- Pescara 11:44 11:44 am
- Lipari 11:44 11:44 am
- Province of Catania 11:44 11:44 am
- Bologna 11:44 11:44 am
- Brotto 11:44 11:44 am
- Turin 11:44 11:44 am
- Rimini 11:44 11:44 am
- Lecce 11:44 11:44 am
- Sienna 11:44 11:44 am
- Comiso 11:44 11:44 am
- Brindisi 11:44 11:44 am
- Genoa 11:44 11:44 am
- Capri 11:44 11:44 am
- Roma 11:44 11:44 am
- Grosseto 11:44 11:44 am
- Province of Palermo 11:44 11:44 am
- Ancona 11:44 11:44 am
- Aosta 11:44 11:44 am