Current time in Indonesia
In Indonesia (in the capital of the city Big Durian) now Sunday, 22 December 2024, week 51
Clock online — Indonesia
Indonesia time
Now Western Indonesian Time (WIB), offset UTC +07:00,
Western Indonesian Time (WIB) standard time zone
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Big Durian — capital of the country Indonesia
Sunrise and sunset
Sunrise and sunset, today, 22 December 2024
Sunrise time: 05:36
Sunset time: 18:05
Moonrise time: 00:43
Moonset time: 12:20
Summer and winter time
When the clock transition in 2024 in Big Durian, Indonesia
UTC offset year round
Daylight saving time does not apply
Time zone used — UTC+07:00
Map Indonesia
Indonesia located on the continent Asia. There are in Indonesia 71 city. Big Durian — the capital of country Indonesia.
ISO | ID |
ISO3 | IDN |
Country area | 1919440 |
Population | 242968342 |
Domain | .id |
What time is it in popular cities Indonesia
# | City | Time | Timezone | |
1 | Amahai | 05:20 | 5:20 am | UTC+09:00 (WIB) |
2 | Ambon | 05:20 | 5:20 am | UTC+09:00 (WIB) |
3 | Atambua | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
4 | Balikpapan | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
5 | Bandar Lampung | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
6 | Bandung | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
7 | Banjarmasin | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
8 | Batam | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
9 | Bengkulu | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
10 | Biak | 05:20 | 5:20 am | UTC+09:00 (WIB) |
11 | Big Durian | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
12 | Bima | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
13 | Bontang | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
14 | Cepu | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
15 | Cirebon | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
16 | Denpasar | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
17 | Dumai | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
18 | Ende | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
19 | Gatak | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
20 | Gorontalo | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
21 | Jambi | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
22 | Jayapura | 05:20 | 5:20 am | UTC+09:00 (WIB) |
23 | Kendari | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
24 | Kota Banda Aceh | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
25 | Kota Baubau | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
26 | Kota Bontang | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
27 | Kota Gunungsitoli | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
28 | Labuan Bajo | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
29 | Lhokseumawe | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
30 | Lombok Island | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
31 | Luwuk | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
32 | Malang | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
33 | Mamuju | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
34 | Manado | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
35 | Manokwari | 05:20 | 5:20 am | UTC+09:00 (WIB) |
36 | Mataram | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
37 | Maumere | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
38 | Meulaboh | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
39 | Nabire | 05:20 | 5:20 am | UTC+09:00 (WIB) |
40 | Padang | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
41 | Palangkaraya | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
42 | Palembang | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
43 | Palu | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
44 | Pangkalanbuun | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
45 | Pangkalpinang | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
46 | Pekanbaru | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
47 | Pontianak | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
48 | Poso | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
49 | Praya | 04:20 | 4:20 am | UTC+08:00 (WIB) |
50 | Pulau Pandang | 03:20 | 3:20 am | UTC+07:00 (WIB) |
More cities
Current time in popular cities of the world
- Labuan Bajo10:5410:54 am
- Poso10:5410:54 am
- Tasikmalaya09:549:54 am
- Kota Bontang10:5410:54 am
- Meulaboh09:549:54 am
- Denpasar10:5410:54 am
- Singkil09:549:54 am
- Big Durian09:549:54 am
- Balikpapan10:5410:54 am
- Yogyakarta09:549:54 am
- Surakarta09:549:54 am
- Dumai09:549:54 am
- Gatak09:549:54 am
- Tanjungbalai09:549:54 am
- Purwokerto09:549:54 am
- Sumenep09:549:54 am
- Palembang09:549:54 am
- Ende10:5410:54 am
Current time in different cities of the world
- Denpasar10:5410:54 am
- Dumai09:549:54 am
- Cirebon09:549:54 am
- Praya10:5410:54 am
- Sabang09:549:54 am
- Meulaboh09:549:54 am
- Bima10:5410:54 am
- Amahai11:5411:54 am
- Gatak09:549:54 am
- Banjarmasin10:5410:54 am
- Surabaya09:549:54 am
- Ruteng10:5410:54 am
- Cepu09:549:54 am
- Padang09:549:54 am
- Kota Gunungsitoli09:549:54 am
- Kota Banda Aceh09:549:54 am
- Sorong11:5411:54 am
- Jambi09:549:54 am