Current time in Santa Rosa de Copan city, Honduras
The current time now in Santa Rosa de Copan is 11:35, Saturday, 01 February 2025, week 05
Clock online — Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
The exact time is now in your city Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
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The sun comes up
Summer and winter time
Information about the city Santa Rosa de Copan, Honduras
City Santa Rosa de Copan, the capital of country Honduras
Santa Rosa de Copan is one of the city in Honduras. Santa Rosa de Copan is located on the continent of North America.
Continent | North America |
Country | Honduras |
Capital | Tegucigalpa |
Latitude | 14.77 |
Longitude | -88.79 |
Population | 37,311 |
Curency | HNL |
Domain | .hn |
The population of Santa Rosa de Copan is 37 311 people, which is ~ 0.47% of the total population of Honduras.
Current time in popular cities of the country Honduras
- La Esperanza11:3511:35 am
- Brus Laguna11:3511:35 am
- San Esteban11:3511:35 am
- Roatan11:3511:35 am
- Utila11:3511:35 am
- Tegucigalpa11:3511:35 am
- San Pedro Sula11:3511:35 am
- Sulaco11:3511:35 am
- Yoro11:3511:35 am
- Comayagua11:3511:35 am
- Guanaja11:3511:35 am
- Ahuas11:3511:35 am
- Gracias11:3511:35 am
- Santa Rosa de Copan11:3511:35 am
- La Ceiba11:3511:35 am
- Limon11:3511:35 am
- La Lima11:3511:35 am
- Puerto Lempira11:3511:35 am
Current time in different cities of the country Honduras
- San Pedro Sula 11:35 11:35 am
- Trujillo 11:35 11:35 am
- Gualaco 11:35 11:35 am
- Coyoles 11:35 11:35 am
- Iriona 11:35 11:35 am
- Copan 11:35 11:35 am
- Limon 11:35 11:35 am
- Erandique 11:35 11:35 am
- Victoria 11:35 11:35 am
- Tela 11:35 11:35 am
- Ahuas 11:35 11:35 am
- Juticalpa 11:35 11:35 am
- Catacamas 11:35 11:35 am
- Tegucigalpa 11:35 11:35 am
- San Esteban 11:35 11:35 am
- Utila 11:35 11:35 am
- La Ceiba 11:35 11:35 am
- Yoro 11:35 11:35 am