Different in time between city Otar Meanchey and city Amsterdam

Otar Meanchey is 6 hours behind of Amsterdam. Different in time between Otar Meanchey(Cambodia) and Amsterdam(Netherlands) is -06 hours

We calculated the time difference between the city Otar Meanchey, Cambodia which is located in the time zone "Asia/Phnom_Penh — UTC+07:00 (25200)" and city Amsterdam, Netherlands which is located in the time zone "Europe/Amsterdam — UTC+01:00 (3600)"

Additional information about city Otar Meanchey and Amsterdam

Otar Meanchey

Country: Cambodia

Country overview: Cambodia

Country discussion: Cambodia

Coordinates of the city Otar Meanchey: latitude 14.1667°, longitude 103.5°

Cities in the same time zone as Otar Meanchey: Krakor, Kratie, Kampot Province, Kampong Saom, Kampong Chhnang Province

More about the city Otar Meanchey

  1. City Otar Meanchey — Overview
  2. Exact time in the city Otar Meanchey, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
  3. Discuss the city Otar Meanchey

You might be interested in

  1. City map Otar Meanchey
  2. Country map Cambodia

Country: Netherlands

Country overview: Netherlands

Country discussion: Netherlands

Coordinates of the city Amsterdam: latitude 52.374°, longitude 4.8897°

Cities in the same time zone as Amsterdam: Hilversum, Groningen, Enschede, Eindhoven, Den Helder

More about the city Amsterdam

  1. City Amsterdam — Overview
  2. Exact time in the city Amsterdam, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
  3. Discuss the city Amsterdam

You might be interested in

  1. City map Amsterdam
  2. Country map Netherlands

Comparisons of time differences between other cities and countries

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