Different in time between city Koh Kong and city Stockholm

Koh Kong is 6 hours behind of Stockholm. Different in time between Koh Kong(Cambodia) and Stockholm(Sweden) is -06 hours

We calculated the time difference between the city Koh Kong, Cambodia which is located in the time zone "Asia/Phnom_Penh — UTC+07:00 (25200)" and city Stockholm, Sweden which is located in the time zone "Europe/Stockholm — UTC+01:00 (3600)"

Additional information about city Koh Kong and Stockholm

Koh Kong

Country: Cambodia

Country overview: Cambodia

Country discussion: Cambodia

Coordinates of the city Koh Kong: latitude 11.6153°, longitude 102.9838°

Cities in the same time zone as Koh Kong: Krakor, Otar Meanchey, Siem Reap, Ratanakiri Province, Mondolkiri

More about the city Koh Kong

  1. City Koh Kong — Overview
  2. Exact time in the city Koh Kong, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
  3. Discuss the city Koh Kong

You might be interested in

  1. City map Koh Kong
  2. Country map Cambodia

Country: Sweden

Country overview: Sweden

Country discussion: Sweden

Coordinates of the city Stockholm: latitude 59.5°, longitude 18°

Cities in the same time zone as Stockholm: Gaellivare, Eskilstuna, Borlange Kommun, Arvidsjaur, Herrljunga

More about the city Stockholm

  1. City Stockholm — Overview
  2. Exact time in the city Stockholm, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
  3. Discuss the city Stockholm

You might be interested in

  1. City map Stockholm
  2. Country map Sweden

Comparisons of time differences between other cities and countries

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