Different in time between city Paro and city Tahoua
Paro is 5 hours behind of Tahoua. Different in time between Paro(Bhutan) and Tahoua(Niger) is -05 hoursWe calculated the time difference between the city Paro, Bhutan which is located in the time zone "Asia/Thimphu — UTC+06:00 (21600)" and city Tahoua, Niger which is located in the time zone "Africa/Niamey — UTC+01:00 (3600)"
Additional information about city Paro and Tahoua
Country: Bhutan
Country overview: Bhutan
Country discussion: Bhutan
Coordinates of the city Paro: latitude 27.4305°, longitude 89.4133°
Cities in the same time zone as Paro: Paro
More about the city Paro
- City Paro — Overview
- Exact time in the city Paro, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
- Discuss the city Paro
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Country: Niger
Country overview: Niger
Country discussion: Niger
Coordinates of the city Tahoua: latitude 16°, longitude 5.5°
Cities in the same time zone as Tahoua: Zinder, Tahoua, Niamey, Maradi, Agadez
More about the city Tahoua
- City Tahoua — Overview
- Exact time in the city Tahoua, sunrise and sunset, when to set the clock
- Discuss the city Tahoua
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