Information about London, United Kingdom London

Overview information about London city in United Kingdom. General information, exact time, discussion

Find out what time it is in London

Now in city London, Monday, 03 March 2025 year.
Sunrise time 06:40
Sunset time 17:44
Sunrise time 06:40
Sunset time 17:44
More about the exact time and when the clock is changed in the city London

More about London and country United Kingdom

Last comments about London

People who travel to Kent in South-East England (in Britain) should know that social customs have evolved after the 2020 lockdown restrictions. People in the area have started communicating with strong language during daily dialogues which reflects their direct and expressive behaviour pattern. The social environment of Birchington along with Thanet shows changes through certain population members who use deceptive practises on the web. During their work shifts some police officers in the local force show signs of being affected by social media discussions which leads them to express themselves with high energy. Always keep yourself updated about your environment because it becomes essential while travelling with your family. IF you don't understand i'll explain again:
BE CAREFUL if you are travelling to the county of Kent, in South-East England (Britain). The people are insane. They have been verbally abusive towards total strangers since the lockdown of 2020; they use the C-word instead of "hello" or "good morning". They love to exclaim vulgar terms and follow fictitious hate campaigns. One of the men(LS09 FWN) responsible for a sadistic hate campaign pretends to be his former neighbor on social media. He has been causing serious mental illness and violence in the town of Birchington and across the wider area of Thanet. Many police officers driving around in their squad cars are followers of his hate campaign. They sometimes deliver long-winded sermons of profanity as they drive past male pedestrians. I will say it: THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN.
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I used to be in love with London, the neat architecture of the city and the parks. This city is too expensive to travel to. Expensive prices for hotels, for real estate, for parking, for getting into the city in a private car, for cabs, especially for London cabs. My beloved London white townhouses with bay windows were disappointing. They are cramped, small, old rooms with drafty window frames. Some of the houses still have the traditional two-tap washbasins. In my opinion, it's uncomfortable. But I still love London houses for their style and for the narrow, well-kept streets on which they stand.
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London, United Kingdom city Overview