Current time in Sumbawanga city, Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
The current time now in Sumbawanga is 01:39, Friday, 24 January 2025, week 04
Clock online — Sumbawanga, Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
The exact time is now in your city Sumbawanga, Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
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The sun comes up
Summer and winter time
Information about the city Sumbawanga, Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
City Sumbawanga, the capital of country Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
Sumbawanga is one of the city in Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania. Sumbawanga is located on the continent of Africa.
Continent | Africa |
Country | Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania |
Capital | Dodoma |
Latitude | -7.97 |
Longitude | 31.62 |
Population | 89,161 |
Curency | TZS |
Domain | .tz |
The population of Sumbawanga is 89 161 people, which is ~ 0.21% of the total population of Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania.
Current time in popular cities of the country Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
- Tabora01:391:39 am
- Zanzibar01:391:39 am
- Kilimanjaro01:391:39 am
- Arusha01:391:39 am
- Dar es Salaam01:391:39 am
- Nachingwea01:391:39 am
- Mwanza01:391:39 am
- Mbeya01:391:39 am
- Kigoma01:391:39 am
- Mtwara01:391:39 am
- Njombe01:391:39 am
- Mwadui01:391:39 am
- Tanga01:391:39 am
- Bukoba01:391:39 am
- Masasi01:391:39 am
- Iringa01:391:39 am
- Musoma01:391:39 am
- Songea01:391:39 am
Current time in different cities of the country Tanzania, United Republic of Tanzania
- Shinyanga 01:39 1:39 am
- Mtwara 01:39 1:39 am
- Musoma 01:39 1:39 am
- Dodoma 01:39 1:39 am
- Zanzibar 01:39 1:39 am
- Kigoma 01:39 1:39 am
- Mafinga 01:39 1:39 am
- Nachingwea 01:39 1:39 am
- Geita 01:39 1:39 am
- Songea 01:39 1:39 am
- Kilimanjaro 01:39 1:39 am
- Njombe 01:39 1:39 am
- Mbeya 01:39 1:39 am
- Mwadui 01:39 1:39 am
- Iringa 01:39 1:39 am
- Mwanza 01:39 1:39 am
- Arusha 01:39 1:39 am
- Masasi 01:39 1:39 am