Information about Tver’, Russian Federation Tver’

Overview information about Tver’ city in Russian Federation. General information, exact time, discussion

Find out what time it is in Tver’

Now in city Tver’, Thursday, 20 February 2025 year.
Sunrise time 07:53
Sunset time 17:46
Sunrise time 07:53
Sunset time 17:46
More about the exact time and when the clock is changed in the city Tver’

More about Tver’ and country Russian Federation

Last comments about Tver’

I went to Tver on a business trip for two months. I liked the city very much, it looked developed, growing, prosperous and full of green (I visited in summer). In addition to work, had time to visit a few attractions in Tver and a couple of museums. I had a pleasant impression of Athanasius Nikitin's embankment, Travelling Palace, and the City Garden. Was at the museum "Goat", a historical place, I recommend the admission ticket of 100 rubles, but a lot of emotions. The Volga river embankment was struck by its beauty and purity. Clean, clean, and comfortable to spend time on the beach. I would also like to mention as a separate plus the people. They are kind and calm. I had to communicate with, the impression was positive. The city is growing and developing. A lot of new buildings are scattered throughout the city. Modern architecture. No mass development - anthills, compared to big cities. I lived in a new district. There is a school, and kindergarten, near grocery stores, pharmacies, and medical centers. Real estate prices monitored - nice. I visited the mall, a lot of stores, there are all the necessary for a comfortable life. I noticed that the prices for products are a little lower in non-grocery stores. Cab prices are also markedly lower, from one end of town to the other - 300 rubles during rush hour. Normal infrastructure was in several gyms. Saw that there are places for creative adults and children. The big plus is that I rented an apartment in a new house for only 12 thousand rubles per month, I haven't seen such prices anywhere else for the last ten years in cities 200 km away from Moscow. Friends said that the prices of utilities are around 1500 - 2500 rubles, very economical. Of the minuses - it seemed that the city is dusty. Roads and sidewalks in some areas of the city have not been repaired for a long time, the drivers do not bother to park their cars, they leave them on the sidewalks, which is very inconvenient. In the forums of the city, residents write that there are problems with drinking water in Tver, and it is true. The water that comes out of the tap, even with a filter, has an unpleasant smell of metal, and I did not dare to drink even boiled water so I bought bottled. I have problems with employment, the average salary in the city is 25000 - 30000 rubles in 2021, there are not many vacancies for young people. I do not know why they call Tver a provincial town, I do not agree with it. I will come back again and take a more detailed tour to explore the streets of this town. My rating of Tver is 10/10.
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Tver’, Russian Federation city Overview