Information about Oryol, Russian Federation Oryol

Overview information about Oryol city in Russian Federation. General information, exact time, discussion

Find out what time it is in Oryol

Now in city Oryol, Sunday, 02 February 2025 year.
Sunrise time 08:18
Sunset time 17:20
Sunrise time 08:18
Sunset time 17:20
More about the exact time and when the clock is changed in the city Oryol

More about Oryol and country Russian Federation

Last comments about Oryol

The city of writers and poets. There are many monuments and buildings in Orel, which are somehow related to history. In Orel, it is pleasant to walk in the very center of Lenin Street. Or as the locals call it Leninskaya. The street connects two theaters — from Lenin Square, where the theater was named after fellow countryman Turgenev to the bridge over the river Orlik — behind it, there is a theater «Free Space», a monument to Leskov and his book heroes. The most active place, oddly enough, is a children’s park with a view of the arrow of the Oka and Orlik. For entertainment, the mall Grinn was built on the southern edge of the city, with stores, food courts, a cinema, a concert hall, and even a congress hall.
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I live in the city of Orel. The city is small, but with interesting places. Victory Boulevard, parks, squares, fountains, embankment. Of course, GreenNN is a place of attraction. Here is a picture of the eagle at the train station. This is an outdated photo, now there is another eagle, noble and small, on the Station Square. But the last one was a landmark because of its huge size. I noticed how the tourists, leaving the station building, were photographed next to it. Also, eagles can be seen on the Alexander Bridge. There begins the main pedestrian street of Lenin. Central Lenin Street is filled with atmospheric bars and cafes with outdoor terraces, goes to Lenin Square to the administration building, theater, hotel, and then there are children's and central parks.
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The city of writers and poets. There are many monuments and buildings in Orel, which are somehow related to history. In Orel, it is pleasant to walk in the very center of Lenin Street. Or as the locals call it Leninskaya. The street connects two theaters - from Lenin Square, where the theater was named after fellow countryman Turgenev to the bridge over the river Orlik - behind it, there is a theater "Free Space", a monument to Leskov and his book heroes. The most active place, oddly enough, is a children's park with a view of the arrow of the Oka and Orlik. For entertainment, the mall Grinn was built on the southern edge of the city, with stores, food courts, a cinema, a concert hall, and even a congress hall.
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Oryol, Russian Federation city Overview