Information about Anapa, Russian Federation Anapa

Overview information about Anapa city in Russian Federation. General information, exact time, discussion

Find out what time it is in Anapa

Now in city Anapa, Monday, 03 March 2025 year.
Sunrise time 07:04
Sunset time 18:20
Sunrise time 07:04
Sunset time 18:20
More about the exact time and when the clock is changed in the city Anapa

More about Anapa and country Russian Federation

Last comments about Anapa

Seraya Koshka17/02/2022
Forgot to add that the best area, in my opinion, is all the same Vityazevo, he is closer to the airport and there are fewer busy beaches.
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Seraya Koshka17/02/2022
Some time ago, every year I vacationed with my family in Anapa and the surrounding areas. The city is old, almost all infrastructure needs modernization and overhaul, especially the sewage system - it is not designed for the number of people vacationing there. After two seasons in a row have caught rotavirus there again never go. And so a wide choice of beaches, hotels, it is a lot of other types for our south entertainments - cafe, discos, attractions. Thus, neither to live nor to have a rest there would not become.
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I've been living in this sunny resort town on the shore of the warm Black Sea for over 25 years. During this time, Anapa has transformed from a backwater town into a beautiful modern city where you can perfectly relax. It has everything to make tourists feel comfortable. There are inexpensive mini-hotels and luxury hotels for people who are used to luxury. It's the same with the beaches: there are free overcrowded and elite. The sea in Anapa is everywhere, and it's in the city itself, unfortunately, not particularly clean, but there are cool places like Blagoveschenskaya, Vityazevo, and there the sea and beaches are excellent. And we have enough greenery, fresh sea air and bright sun for all the guests and residents of the city. Anapa is a beautiful, very green, joyful city, where millions of Russians love to vacation.
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Anapa, Russian Federation city Overview