Discussion and comments about the country DenmarkBillund

The entire list of comments about Denmark. Discussion, questions and answers about Denmark


  • RomanSimon,
    02.07.2022, 17:52

    It’s such a time that you can’t travel much. But someone lives in Denmark and runs a small business there. Now life is always throwing up new puzzles. Plans change, efforts may be in vain, and attempts to influence the situation to have little effect. At times it may seem that the best strategy is to go with the flow. But to give up positions in work and in life is not desirable. How to restore order in the head and restore peace of mind? To understand yourself, to get good advice, and just friendly communication, which helps to come to the right decision, not necessarily go somewhere. You just need to know how to use Google and the Internet in general. Watch videos on YouTube and get information, not go at random!

  • Denmark country Discussion