Information about AfghanistanDarwazkay

Overview information about Afghanistan. General information, exact time, discussion

Find out what time it is in Afghanistan

Exact time in capital of country Afghanistan, Thursday, 20 February 2025 year.
Sunrise time 06:32
Sunset time 17:41
Sunrise time 06:32
Sunset time 17:41
More about the exact time and when the clock is changed in the city Kabul

More about Kabul and country Afghanistan

Flag Afghanistan

National flag Afghanistan

The flag of Afghanistan has a simple design consisting of three horizontal stripes of different colors: black, red, and green. In the center of the flag is a white emblem, known as the ‘Seal of Muhammad’ or the ‘Seal of the Prophet.’

The black stripe on the flag represents the national Islamic tradition, the red stripe represents the courage and sacrifices of the Afghan people, and the green stripe represents hope for the future. The white emblem in the center of the flag represents faith and purity, as well as being a symbol of Islam.

The design of the flag was introduced in 2002, after the Taliban was overthrown by international coalition forces, resulting in a new government for Afghanistan. The flag was chosen through a competition held among Afghan artists and designers.

The flag of Afghanistan is of great importance to the Afghan people and is a symbol of unity and national pride. It is frequently used in various official and unofficial events, as well as a state symbol on various government buildings, documents, etc.

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